Ancient Egyptian mixed media hand-made book

I am amazed and inspired by the beauty of Ancient Egyptian writing. Simple and complex, I can see why it was considered sacred. I used some of the hieroglyphs to create a journal for picutes and words.

Here is what some of the pages look like:

The pages are light kraft paper cut to size. The pages are crumbled up, then ironed flat. This ages the paper beautifully.

Each page is rubber-stamped with Ancient Egyptian rubber stamps.

Each page has a flap which is printed paper with a hand colored picture of a heirglyph.

The pages are taped together with clear matte contact paper strips.

The first and last pages are sliped into a paste paper book cover. if needed the cover can be reinforced with cardstock.

Smaller color-copies of the hieroglyph symbols are glued to the end flaps.

Links to the rubberstamps and the heiroglyph sheets available for purchase will be featured here.(link not yet working)

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